Bring Gardening Indoors with a Tower Garden

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Tower Garden

Bring gardening indoors so your employees can enjoy fresh lettuce and herbs all year around.

A Tower Garden is a soil-less growing system (aeroponic). Using just water and a nutrient called Mineral Blend, a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs can be grown. The Tower Garden growing system takes up only 4 square feet of floor space and can easily be rolled around the office.

Most types of Lettuces and herbs grow quickly and easily indoors. Growing outdoors opens up a wide variety of veggies.Tomatoes, peppers, squash, cantaloupe, cucumbers, beans, peas, and more can be grown outdoors on a Tower Garden.

A Tower Garden can easily fit in the corner of a room and grow 32 plants giving employees the benefit of picking fresh greens for sandwiches and salads throughout the year.

Businesses can get more information and purchase a Tower Garden online. Leasing plans are available. Contact me directly at or call/text 574.366.0939 with questions or if you are a non-profit..


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