Using the Tower Garden

How to Harvest Lettuce in a Tower Garden
Harvesting Lettuce Growing in a Clip Harvesting lettuce with a grow clip is a lot easier than with the netpots. Find the grow clip underneath the lettuce. Wiggle it a tad and pull up. The roots will be quite long. Use scissors to cut off the roots. Be careful you...

Using the Tower Garden Grow Clips
The Tower Garden Grow Clips can be much easier to use than the Tower Garden Net Pots. (The Grow Clips don't come with the Tower Gardens and need to be purchased separately.) The Grow Clips don't get roots wrapped around them like the Net Pots making them much easier...

How to Germinate Seeds in Rockwool for the Tower Garden
Download the PDF version of Tower Garden Seed Germination Procedure. Looking for Tower Garden Curriculum or help finding Tower Garden Grants? This seed germination procedure has been adapted from a procedure shared by Joe of Level 2 Concepts. It’s a little different...

Can I Grow Tomatoes Indoors on the Tower Garden?
When I first started growing on a Tower Garden, I tried growing tomatoes inside that came with the Tower Garden. They were leggy (cue the “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” music here) and attracted insects. I switched to lettuce and did much better, but never...