Tower Garden Maintenance

How to Clean the Tower Garden

How to Clean the Tower Garden

Harvest Cleaning As you harvest your plants, it's good to wipe down the side of your Tower Garden with a wet rag. This keeps residue and algae from forming.(Don't leave empty ports uncovered or you'll get algae in the water. Cover them with plastic bag material or...

Insects on the Tower Garden

Insects on the Tower Garden

Oh no! You’ve discovered little monsters all over your indoor Tower Garden. Before you panic, take a deep breath, and relax for a minute, it’s going to be OK. First let’s try to figure out how the insects got there before you try to eradicate them. Here’s a handy checklist.

Weekly Maintenance of the Tower Garden

Weekly Maintenance of the Tower Garden

Initial Tower Garden Setup When you first fill the Tower Garden tank, pour 200ml of Mineral Blend A and 200ml of Mineral Blend B in the tank. Turn on the pump to mix the water. Use the pH test kit to test the pH of the water in the tub. Put 5 ml of water from the...

Harvesting and Cleaning

Harvesting and Cleaning

Once matured, lettuces and herbs can be cut and eaten until the lettuce becomes bitter and/or bolts. It’s good to not cut more than 1/3 of the total plant at a time. I tend to harvest the full plant and wrap it in Saran Wrap for delivery. Using a paint can opener, I’ll pull up on the rockwool just a little to loosen it.

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